Fishers of Men

My faith is a central part of my life. I’m thankful for my salvation, which I do not deserve and have not earned.

Light in the Darkness

No matter how dark the day may be, always look for the light.

-Elizabeth Dyer

Focus on the Road Ahead

Keep looking ahead and you will never be left behind.

-Elizabeth Dyer

Stand Alone

Don’t be afraid to stand alone when you believe in what you are standing for.

-Elizabeth Dyer

It's Not All About Me
My Life, My Work


It is just something that happened….


It’s called S&S Smoothies and Supplements and I love what we are doing there…

Tasty Treats

We all need a treat occasionally, and there is nothing better than the ice cream at Sensational Shakes…

Website Design

It’s how I pay the bills….

Weight Loss

I know how hard losing weight is first-hand, find out how close I am to my goal…


Because I love the community I live in, we work to give back to local charities….

My Growing And Changing Family

Always Curious

Precious Bundle

Full of Wonder

Fun Loving

Loving & Rambunctious

Center of Attention